it has been over a month, it has been such a month. it is currently 1:32am where i am, and this entry might take longer to write because of how long it has been. i'm not sure how to sum it up succinctly, i'm just surprised the past 20 days have passed me so quickly. after the last entry, i gained a grip on time again, and then i lost it from around july 6th to the 21nd. i think it might be related to sensory issues. i got used to the quiet after living at my aunts, and loudness is jarring and it makes me dissociate (cringe).
since the kids have gone to camp for the week, i have my quiet again, broken only when i want it to. i am dreading their return, as terrible as it sounds. i am tranquil rn, and making the most of my time. i haven't been outside much this summer. it was too loud out there, with the kids playing all day, and i never have the motivation. maybe i can try to get out tomorrow for a little while before my mom gets me. i had wanted to read, but my physical books are the ones i don't want to read rn. nevermind, i can start the lover.
so. my great grandma died, my parents got divorced (? no clue if they actually did this time because they didn't fucking tell me, rowen did), i got high for the first time, also the world happened around me, also my lungs still feel weird after smoking.
the high was terrible. really fascinating, intellectually stimulating, best experience i've ever had, but terrible. i find myself wondering what that pen was doing there, why would my mom have a weed pen in her room, is it even hers or did she just find it?? what was in that thing? why would i do that? did i aspirate because it was dirty and am now developing aspiration pneumonia? will i ever recover? i don't know if i can take you through it properly, but i'll try:
immediately after inhaling it, i started coughing, and suppressing my cough because i didn't want anyone to hear. i should have just coughed, because my lungs have been angry with me over this for 2 weeks? my grandmama then called me into the kitchen for pizza. i take three bites and it starts hitting. i realize i'm high, get excited because i didn't think it would affect me so much, and then the terror sets in. i felt my memories in my head start popping, like literally making that popping sound, or rather that popping feeling. that wasn't what bothered me though. it was mainly the physical effects... my vision was actually going insane, just blinking, and my lungs felt terrible, and the anxiety made it much worse. i ended up sitting on the couch for a while, holding my phone in my hands (rina wasn't replying), and i went deep into my head. my mind felt so terribly clear. it was like i was externally high but internally i was rational, coherent, the arguments that i was making with myself made so much sense. i knew this was a pretty normal effect of weed, but i soon disregarded that as i started to convince myself that i was dead and that this was the afterlife. i didn't know how i died, but i thought it was plausible that i was dead, and that a part of dying was a person's consciousness being stuck in the final frames of their life, with the world going on around them as they expect it to, because their brain is simulating it, because they can't accept the truth. stuck contemplating, maybe forever, maybe until the consciousness gives up on it. in my case, i was trapped in a teenager's first high, which made my death more confusing, and it would trap me here more, maybe i'd go the rest of my life feeling like this (its mark is still in my lungs. was i right?) but i was also trapped in expecting rina to respond, and the terror of her not responding, and that was part of what brought me back, when she did respond. afterwards i just thought i was allergic to the stuff and going into shock. i'm still anxious about it because i think it had something in it. i thought i was developing aspiration pneumonia after i ruled out shock. yeah. the whole time i was high i was stoic. i'm not sure if anyone but my uncle was able to tell, and that was only because he saw the pen and he smokes weed. i'm not sure how to express how intricate the dying argument was in my head, but it was so convincing, and it was such an interesting idea of an afterlife to me. i'm glad i thought it. it was fun. afterward, when the high was normal and i just listened to radiohead and rocked back and forth, it was kinda boring. i tried to get high again a couple days afterward and despite inhaling a lot, i didn't get high? so that's another thing that makes me freaked out by the pen. maybe it was dead, maybe it was haunted, idk.
we are merged symbiotically with the digital world and there is no going back. the computer outage several days ago made me think of this, but i think this train of thought can be traced to y2k. i wouldn't know because i didn't live through it. we made these machines, and now we are sickly dependent on them. the outage affected hospitals, people couldn't call 911, flights are still being cancelled, are there casualties from this? one defect in a windows update. it could have been an attack, there could be attacks like this in the future. this was what my middle school wet dreams were made of when i wanted to be a cyber terrorist, or rather, a cyber warfare specialist. i was a weird kid. i just wonder if there's more where this comes from.
i finished capital volume 2 a bit late, got behind on summer math, and also finished workers councils. did i tell you i got workers councils and the poverty of philosophy, and that someone stole the package containing the permanent revolution? yeah, that happened. very sad! i am proud of myself :)
it's already been about an hour of writing. might get a job or smth idk. anyway i started watching fallout and berserk and started playing fallout 1. i was supposed to play more but i got distracted by the whole blogging thing.
my goals for august are to read what i have planned (1844 manuscripts, poverty of philosophy, the lover) and maybe society of the spectacle and beyond philosophy. i also need to finish what i'm currently reading (cohpor, open letter, dialectics articles). other goals are to go outside, maybe go camping, call my friends, things of that nature.